We have 6 prefectural beamlines and another 3 contracted beamlines. This User Guide is for prefectural beamlines.
Experiments are performed based on the type of Proposals below.
General User Proposal
In this type, the user information* is kept confidential. (The main users are companies.)
Public User Proposal
The main users are universities, and public institutions. The user information* is made public. To keep the user information confidential, a public institution user should submit “General User Proposal.”
Nanotechnology User Proposal
The SAGA-LS participates in the "Kyushu Nanotechnology Network" supported by the MEXT program named “Open Advanced Facilities Initiative for Innovation (Nanotechnology Network). Users are companies, universities, and public institutions covering nanotechnology. ” The user information* is made public.
Option to Trial User
This type is for first-time users and free of charge (limited to one day). However, even for the type of General User proposal, the user information* is made public.
*User information: Company name, experiment participants, experimental results.
Flow Chart from Proposal to Experiment
Feel free to ask questions about planning of an experiment, technical support, (e.g. method, carry-in material, necessary equipment), proposal submission, and procedure for radiation worker registration, etc.
Beamtime runs in three annual cycles. Each cycle has a call for proposals and a beamtime quota is established for each type of proposal. The minimum beamtime period is one day (10.5 hours).
Call for proposals is to be announced on the SAGA-LS Website two months before the start of each cycle.
Please submit your proposal anytime during the application period according to the scheme as described in the Table. Proposal Forms of the General User Proposal or the Public User Proposal must be submitted to SAGA-LS (by email, fax, or post) and those of the Nanotechnology Proposal must be sent to the secretariat of the Kyushu Nanotechnology Network.
Type of Proposal |
General User Proposal
Proposals must be submitted during the application period of each cycle within the beamtime quota. The proposal submission deadline once a month is the 15th of each month (or if that day is a holiday, the next day). Successful proposals will have beam time within the cycle (within two weeks after proposal submission in the shortest period). |
Public User Proposal
Proposals must be submitted during the application period of each cycle within the beamtime quota. The proposal submission deadline once a month is the last day of each month (or if that day is a holiday, the next day). Successful proposals will have beam time within the cycle (within a month in the shortest period). |
Option to Trial User |
This preference must be stated in either the General User Proposal or the Public User Proposal. Trial User time is limited to one day for 10 hours. |
*Registration of more than one user is necessary from safety requirements.
All submitted proposals are reviewed from the following criteria:
In addition to the above review, both the Public User Proposal and the Nanotechnology User Proposal are evaluated by the Proposal Review Committee (PRC) based on one of the following criteria:
4. Contribution to the development of nanotechnology
Result of proposal approval and beam time allocated to each approved proposal will be notified by email or post as soon as possible.
After beam time allocation, each user must send both a Notification Form and Agreement Form to the SAGA-LS (by email, fax, or post) at least one week before the allocated beam time date. The Notification Form has the same format as the Proposal Form. In case of any changes to the original application (e.g. experiment participants, carry-in measurement equipment, etc,), the user will state those revisions on the Notification Form. If there are no changes, the user must submit the same content.
* Revisable items: ? Experiment participants, ? Carry-in material, and ? Accommodation
In addition, the user performing the first experiment within the new fiscal year must submit a Radiation Worker Registration and Consent Form, a SAGA-LS Access Card Issuance Request, and an Agreement Form to the safety management office .
Public Users, Nanotech Users, and Trial Users are required to submit Experiment Reports with 60 days after the completion of experiments. In principle, the Experiment Reports are made public. However, the scope and timing of publication can be determined separately in agreement with the SAGA-LS.
All publications resulting from experiments and works performed at the SAGA-LS, i.e., journal articles, theses, books, reports, brochures, proceedings, presentations, etc., must be submitted to us with a copy of the publication.
Publications stated above should include the following acknowledgement:
The experiments were performed on the beamline BL15 at the SAGA Light Source (SAGA-LS) |
Contact SAGA-LS in advance if the results will be announced in a newspaper or at an award ceremony or a lecture. At such time, send SAGA-LS a copy of the announcement.
In principle, property rights created by experiments at SAGA-LS belong to the user (excluding Nanotech Use). However, the user is asked to cooperate as much as possible on the publication of research results. Property rights created based on Nanotech Use are belong to the national government because the government outsources nanotechnology related work to SAGA-LS. However, if certain conditions are met, it is possible for the user to obtain the property rights. Such an arrangement is made through a separate agreement.
Regardless of the type of use, if an experiment results in a patent application and publication as an unexamined patent application, the user will submit a copy of the publication to SAGA-LS.